The Spirit of
Delftship is dedicated to providing efficient, safe and innovative ship management services to its clients. Being entrusted with the supervision and care for high-value assets, we strive to preserve them in a cost-effective, reliable and long-lasting approach. Clients and charterers alike can rely on our integrity in all matters as well as on our continuous process to hone and further develop every aspect of our operations.
We recognize the importance of our seafarers onboard as key workers for the international transport which makes our worldwide economy possible. A seamless integration of onboard and onshore personnel as one globally connected team and the acknowledgement of each individual’s value for our companies’ goals are essential for us.
Recognizing our responsibility for current and future generations, we strive to reduce our ecological footprint both by constant educational efforts onboard and ashore, as well as by adaptation of new technologies. Delftship is an associated partner in various projects to assess and advance wind-assisted propulsion technologies, such as FlettnerFLEET.

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Investor Relations

BBC Campana
12.780 mt

BBC Plata
12.780 mt

BBC Zarate
12.780 mt